Oh well, MTV Desi has me pegged. They’re exactly right about me but at least they acknowledge that I also acknowledge that I am one more gawking American.
And I can’t complain about being named an honorary Desi, sort of.
New York Press Delves Into the Paan Game
by Abdullah
When I first saw the headline “Confessions of a White, Middle-Aged Paan Eater” on the cover of this week’s New York Press, naturally, I grabbed a copy and asked myself the question you’re asking yourself right now; What the hell is the New York Press? Well, it’s a paper that’s running a cover story about something inherently Desi that’s breaking into mainstream culture. And why not? It didn’t take long for Americans to adopt the more… CONT’D AT https://www.mtvdesi.com/2010/12/07/new-york-press-delves-into-the-paan-game

The Asia Society also commented and was a tad less snarky than MTV (but who am I to complain about being snarky in a blog post?).
A Paean to Paan
by Aliya Sabharwal
…From describing his initiation into the practice of paan-chewing to drawing interesting comparisons to the tobacco-dipping culture of his Appalachian relatives, Stanley seems to have seriously and diligently researched this “local” practice. But the result is a riot for those familiar with paan chewing or chewers, if only for the novelty of reading an eloquent homage to the substance. CONT’D AT ASIASOCIETY.ORG>>

Well, now it’s just too much. My paan habit has also made the celebrity gossip page of India Abroad, the major newspaper for Indian expats around the world, getting top billing over Tom Cruise’s tweets to Anil Kapoor. I’m truly honored and humbled.