Zooming Into the Weekend With Fulbright And Drexel

I had such a blast today giving a Zoom presentation, along with Drexel’s Associate Director of Global Partnerships Young-Min Park, to Drexel University faculty and administrators about my Fulbright experiences, how I approached the application, and resources for them to begin their own Fulbright journeys. Great way to start the weekend!

Abhijit’s Swan Song

Drexel University’s first Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence, Indian independent film director Abhijit Chowdhury made his final public appearance this week before departing to India.

He spoke to students at my alma mater NYU Tisch School of the Arts Goldberg Department of Dramatic Writing on Tuesday March 26th. Students in Department Chair Prof. Joe Vinciguerra‘s class Writing the Low Budget Feature.

Students had watched a portion of Abhijit’s latest film, The Strange Life of Dhrubo, currently in post-production, in advance of his visit to discuss the challenges of writing and producing independent films on a shoestring.

Spreading the Fulbright Gospel

Had a wonderful time today pitching Fulbright Research and Teaching Scholarships to faculty at my alma mater New York University Tisch School of the Arts as a Fulbright Scholar Alumni Ambassador. I was happy to see such a huge turnout!

#FACON22 Clicks

What an amazing weekend at the annual Fulbright Association Conference representing Drexel University Westphal College of Media Arts & Design. I heard so many enlightening, troubling, thrilling, infuriating, and always educational talks, not the least of which was the keynote address by Ukranian Ambassador to the US Oksana Markarova

Here are a few clicks from my own two talks.

Calcutta 1908: Apocalypse Now, a 50-minute talk with 10-minute Q&A:

And on the lighter side, a 10-minute account in the storytelling session about my horror at discovering my Kolkata flat was inhabited by numerous lizards, entitled Strange Love or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Lizard Roommates:

Enough nerd ribbons to snap a nerd Christmas tree