InterAct Theatre Company and the Philadelphia New Play Initiative are presenting a Playwrights Showcase this Friday 6/27/14 at 8pm in Philadelphia at the Adrienne Theatre on 20th and Sansom featuring excerpts of works from Emily Acker, Alisha Adams, Joy Cutler, Chris Davis, Jacqueline Goldfinger, Sam Henderson, Bruce Walsh, Douglas Williams and JEFFREY STANLEY.
This event is FREE but tickets are required from the InterAct box office here.
InterAct Theatre Company and the Philadelphia New Play Initiative are presenting a Playwrights Showcase this Friday 6/27/14 at 8pm at the Adrienne Theatre on 20th and Sansom Streets featuring excerpts of works from Emily Acker, Alisha Adams, Joy Cutler, Chris Davis, Jacqueline Goldfinger, Sam Henderson, Bruce Walsh, Douglas Williams and yours truly (from my play UFOs Over Brooklyn).
In connection with my being a 2011-2012 PDC@Plays & Players Playwright-in-Residence, a reading of my unproduced play FISHING WITH TONY AND JOE will be held at Plays & Players Theatre at 1714 Delancey Place (17th Street between Pine and Spruce) in Philadelphia on Tuesday, February 28th at 4pm.The play is a drama with a touch of magic realism about opera stagehand, exiled leftie and “back yard inventor”Antonio Meucci.
In connection with my being a 2011-2012 PDC@Plays & Players Playwright-in-Residence, a reading of my unproduced play Fishing With Tony and Joe will be held at Plays & Players Theatre at 1714 Delancey Place (17th Street between Pine and Spruce) in Philadelphia on Tuesday, February 28th at 4pm in the 3rd floor Skinner Studio. The event is FREE but seating is limited so please RSVP to Dan Student .
Meucci's teletrofono.
The play is an historical drama with a touch of magic realism about opera stagehand, exiled leftie and “back yard inventor” Antonio Meucci, an Italian immigrant who invented a working electric telephone at his Staten Island home some 20 years prior to Alexander Graham Bell.
The plot covers a year in the life of Meucci, his firebrand wife Esterre (Esther) and their house crashing friend Giuseppe Garibaldi, the famed Italian revolutionary. A love triangle, corporate greed and the dawn of telecommunications ensue.
This unproduced play was originally commissioned by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Ensemble Studio Theatre in New York, in 2005-06 (this same pairing by a science foundation and an Off-Broadway theatre produced my hit play Tesla’s Letters in 1999).
There will be a Q&A of this work-in-progress with the audience afterward and I would value your attendance and your input. The event is FREE but seating is limited so please RSVP to Dan Student at .
Thanks, see you there,
Jeffrey Stanley
“The history of the telephone will never be fully
written; it is partly hidden away in twenty or
thirty thousand pages of testimony and partly lying
on the hearts and consciences of a few whose lips
are sealed — some in death, and others by a golden
clasp whose grip is even tighter.”
– Elisha Gray, inventor and competitor of Alexander Graham Bell
I speak from first-hand experience when I highly recommend Daniel Student’s Superheroes Who Are Super!show dropping into Brooklyn from Philly on 12/17-18. It’s hilarious, it’s smart, you’ll have a blast. Dan is also the artistic director of Plays & Players Theatre in Philly where I’m currently a playwright-in-residence, and he directed my Philly Fringe show Beautiful Zion: A Book of the Deadwhich got raves. If you make it to Superheroes be sure to say hi to Dan; he’s a gem and a real talent.
Superheroes Who Are Super!
at the Brooklyn Lyceum
Saturday, December 17, 2011 at 3pm and 6pm and 9pm (9pm is the PG-13 version; the rest are family-friendly)
Sunday, December 18, 2011 at 3pm and 6:00pm
Word for word staged readings of classic comic books with the best in low budget costumes and special effects
Starring Ray Fallon, Michael McElroy, Brendan Norton, Angela Smith, and Johnny Smith
Directed by Daniel Student
Marvel Team-Up #1 featuring Spider-Man and The Human Torch, “Have Yourself A Sandman Little Christmas” (1972)
Written by Roy Thomas
Spider-Man and The Human Torch team up to keep the Sandman from ruining Christmas but all he really wants to do is get home to his mama. Now if they could only find their own Christmas spirits and stop bickering with each other.
Marvel Holiday Special #3, “Revisionist History”
Written by Peter David
Doctor Leonard Samson tells the story of Hanukah. You know, the story that involves Captain America, The Hulk, and Wolverine. And robots. You know. THAT story of Hanukah.
Marvel Holiday Special #3, “The Big X-Mas Blackout”
Written by Richard Howell and Stan Lee
Electro wants to put the light out on the Rockefeller Center Tree. Oh and also all of New York City. Not if Spidey can help it.