BONEYARDS is back from the dead to rock your underworld. Four new post-Fringe shows in October just in time for Halloween. 10/17/13, 10/20, 11/2 and 11/3. Only 20 seats per show, get ‘em before they’re gone.
Last night’s final audience was too spooked to Ouija! After much begging and cajoling I got one volunteer, Laura, to come forward (usually there are 3) and I agreed to sit at the board with her which is fine except it keeps me from firing up the spirit box when the time comes. I got it warmed up and then Karen from Brooklyn finally screwed up her courage and took over for me. She and Laura spoke to a shy one who mentioned the BLACK LIGHTS in the room (there are many which I use in the show). Were the others (the 12 spirits I now call the Synagogue Saints) there? YES. When I asked what it thought of the show it quickly moved back and forth from YES to NO over and over again, which I took to mean a mixed review (I always love this question. Responses have ranged from FANTASTIC to GO TO HELL).
I turned on the P-SB7 spirit box and let it roll for 6 and half minutes while we continued the Ouija seance on the other side of the room. Below is 1 minute of video highlights with a transcript and my afterthoughts. As usual the EVPs have been slowed down but keeping the original pitch, and volume has been boosted. Lots of goodbyes for this final show and a little Italian as has happened before with the 12 Synagogue Saints. There’s quite a little narrative that unfolded with the spirits (or subconscious ideomotor impulses depending on your beliefs) over the course of 7 shows and I urge you to listen to them all.
I’m Matthew. (Hi, Matthew! He’s still hanging out here after dropping in and calling out to audience member Michael during the Ouija fireworks in the 2nd show.)
In a circle. (The audience wasn’t standing in a circle so they had to be referring to themselves. Perhaps the 12 Synagogue Saints were circling us at the Ouija board to look on and say goodbye.)
We hear. (Awesome. We’re coming through to them loud and clear).
Lessen the power. (Can only be a reference to the spirit box. Maybe I had the volume up too loud or was scanning at too fast a rate to suit their vocalizing needs.)
Closing time, Jeffrey. (Indeed. I’m gonna miss you guys 🙁 ).
Let him go.
Leaving me.
All for what? (I love this wisecracking Jack Benny soundalike chiming in with cynicism amidst all the sentimental farewells).
Hey, kids.
Come visit more. (Definitely gonna try.)
Perhaps he will.
Ehi, uomo … Ciao. [Italian: Hey, man … Goodbye.] (Not the first time they’ve spoken Italian to us. Remember this is South Philly and has been flooded with Italian immigrants for over a century).
Now it’s my turn to sadly say to the spirits: Hey, man … Goodbye.